Adult Jigsaw puzzles – The Hype, The Excitement, and The Thirst

Do small things make you excited? Does the size matter? In the world of Jigsaw puzzles; Yes of course!

In the world of adult jigsaw puzzles, both the piece size and the number of pieces are the most important factors. Well of course the puzzle image. Nothing gets you more excited than seeing how the image unravels.

The Hype

What makes you an adult, buy that jigsaw puzzle you see in a toy store. Simple answer – You know how the finale tastes like. This creates the urge in you to once again feel that ecstasy you felt, like a drug; the feeling of accomplishment. Hype is what takes control of your decision-making from that moment itself. How would it feel to buy a larger puzzle with more pieces in it, or how can I make this more challenging to myself, should I go for a smaller jigsaw puzzle piece. All these thoughts paint a vivid picture of you standing next to a completed giant jigsaw puzzle with a cape around your neck, because why not! You are superhuman.

What makes adult jigsaw puzzles so hyped is the level of challenge it brings to the table. Hype creates alternative realities where you emerge victorious and shows it is within your reach by spending few dollars from your pocket. And also you know it is the best that money can buy for a feeling you cannot put a value on.

The Excitement

Where nostalgia meets artistry, the excitement happens. A jigsaw puzzle for an adult is a reminder of one’s childhood. Thus seeing a scene from your favorite movie, a book, an art, or even a scenic image turned into a puzzle (Jigsawfied) nudges the nostalgic feeling inside you.

New companies such as Jigawfy ( have understood what the adult jigsaw puzzle market is missing and has allowed the customization of any image of choice. This is like your wildest dream coming true. There are more options to choose from, the image and the number of pieces. You can read more about the fascinating world of jigsaw puzzles here.

And just like that, the excitement is up for grabs starting from USD 5.

The Thirst

This will be the most common problem with adult jigsaw puzzles. Once you are done with a puzzle it leaves you wanting for more. It is better than cheesecake. The thirst for puzzle solving is the reason that makes you want to gift these to others, buy for your kids one day and for yourself. Because in your heart you know that everyone is going to love it.

Creating a culture of being addicted to puzzle-solving from a young age is every parent’s dream. As this helps with a child’s cognitive and reasoning abilities. You can read more about this in jigsaw puzzles for kids. Adult Jigsaw puzzles do not stop with age. It is recommended that if you are 50 and above, you should solve more puzzles to sharpen your cognitive abilities. So Jigsaw puzzles are a perfect gift for your parents or even your grandparents.

Jigsaw puzzles can be single-player or multiplayer. It is a bonding activity for parents with their kids and acts as a memory booster for people above 60 years of age. What more reason would you need to test out a good jigsaw puzzle.

Click here to browse for adult jigsaw puzzles by Jigsawfy.

2 thoughts on “Adult Jigsaw puzzles – The Hype, The Excitement, and The Thirst

  1. Anoma de Sylva says:

    So pleased to have found a jigsaw company for Sri Lanka. Not yet tried any from you, but here’s hoping the product is made of well interlocking pieces! Will definitely purchase. Do you make any that are 2000+ ?

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